One Page Screenwriting Challenge — August 7, 2021

So, here’s a really cool thing for any screenwriters out there looking for practice and challenges/rubrics to help develop their writing skills. Scripthive has a weekly One Page Challenge that they host on their Discord. You have a week to write a single page that includes all 3 elements in the rubric. It’s a great challenge, and the members of the Discord give each other feedback and vote on each other’s stories. The person who gets the most votes wins. There’s also guest judges that pop in every now and then. I definitely recommend it for any screenwriters who are looking to exercise their chops.

I’ve only done a few of these challenges, but I’m working towards pushing myself to do more of them. Below is my very first OPC and the rubric it’s based off of!

Here’s the feedback that I got on my page! I wasn’t able to go back and repost my story again — work got super busy, BUT, this feedback is more than I get on an average week for my writing, and I think a lot more feedback than most people get. I’d definitely recommend this challenge, as well as this community, to all upcoming and practicing screenwriters!