
Where do I go for inspiration?

So, the number one place that I go to for inspiration is Reddit. I adore Reddit. You can engage anywhere you want. You can ignore anywhere you want. If you make an account, you can make your own front page with whatever subreddits you want. There’s also a ton of story subreddits that you can go through and read funny or interesting stories. If you want to read the best of the best, you can sort by top of all-time. If you want an entire page of news stories, you can do that. One news story subreddit that I love is r/nottheonion. It specializes in stories that are stranger than fiction. Things that you would expect to be published by The Onion but aren’t.

For instance, I just scrolled through and found this article

Amazing. That's a great idea for a musical comedy about a band trying to make it big. As every screenwriter knows, it's irony that makes a great logline and pulls people into your story.

This is the one that really goat me, though. I love the idea of an inspirational film where middle-aged Dot McCarthy takes over the failing farm from her ailing mother. She sets the place up as a cozy wedding and family reunion venue, somewhere cute and rustic. Business is picking up, but THEN the pandemic hits. The extra source of income Dot needs for her mother's medical treatment will soon dry up.

What is she to do?

Start up a scheme where people can pay for video chats with her goats, of course! She writes up funny biographies for each goat and sets up a nice area for the calls. She goes viral.

Now that's an adorable story and definitely something that would be fun to write!